Plaquenil and the Eyes (hydroxychloroquine)
A lot of people are on plaquenil (the generic name is hydroxychloroquine). This is a medication that is usually used for lupus,...
All About Pink Eye
This is probably the single most common item on a parents mind because every kid is going to get this at some point or other. Sometimes...
Types of Glaucoma Lasers
There are many different types of glaucoma, but as a medical doctor and eye specialist, I will assess the glaucoma and determine the...
Premium Intraocular Lenses
Over the last ten or so years there has been the rapid development of advanced technology intraocular lenses. These are placed during...
Types of Glaucoma Drops
When a patient comes in, and we make the decision to proceed with glaucoma drops for treatment, we have to decide together what the best...
What causes cataracts?
We have previously talked a little bit about cataracts. However, a common question that comes up is what causes the cataract. The lens...
What is glaucoma?
Glaucoma is a condition that results in optic nerve damage and peripheral vision loss in a characteristic pattern. The only modifiable...
Do I need Glaucoma Drops?
As an ophthalmologist, glaucoma is one of the most common conditions that I treat. One of the major questions that the ophthalmologist...